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Guidance for the use of

                              Compensation by Position Survey 2024

                                                                          HR Center Co., Ltd.

                    In  order  to  make  the  maximum  use  of  the  “Compensation  by  Position  Survey  2024”
              our team would like to provide users with some guidance as follows:

                    The survey data reported in two forms:

                    1.  PDF File           HR Center Co., Ltd.

                    2.  Web-based data

           HR Center Co., Ltd.       The content consists of four main parts as follows:

                                   Part 1 General information of participants

                                   Part 2 Compensation by position, which are classified into six categories:
                                          2.1  By Job Grade
                                          2.2  By Service Years
                                          2.3  By Business Sectors

                                          2.4  By Business Size
                                          2.5  By Region
                                          2.6  By Nationality of major shareholders
                                                                          HR Center Co., Ltd.
                                          *in PDF File only the Comp1 is presented for 2.3-2.6

                                   Part 3 HR Benchmark - comparison data for human resources management

                                   Part 4 Summary of data

                                   The web-based data covers more information which are not presented in the PDF

                                           HR Center Co., Ltd.
                                   form. Those data are Basic Salary-Comp2 for general staff, and Basic Salary-Comp3
                                   for Sales and Marketing staff.

                                   For the convenience of users, the search function is provided on the web-based

                                   platform so that users may search topics by keyword.

           HR Center Co., Ltd.
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