


Handicap International is an international non-governmental, non-religious, non-political and non-profit making organization specialised in the field of disability. It works alongside people with disabilities, offering them assistance and supporting them in their efforts to become self-reliant.  Since its creation, the organisation has set up programmes in approximately 60 countries worldwide and intervened in many emergency situations.  

Handicap International in Thailand is currently supporting projects along the Thailand - Burma border focusing on the following:

·         Rehabilitation Project: provision of functional rehabilitation services for persons with disabilities or impairments in 5 temporary shelters (Tak and Mae Hong Son provinces)

·         Disability and Social Inclusion Project: Social inclusion of People with Disabilities and mainstreaming disability into humanitarian.

·         Mine Risk Education Project: raising awareness activities on the risk of mines and explosive remnants of war are implemented in 9 temporary shelters (Tak, Mae Hong Son, Ratchaburi and Kanchanabui province)

·         Growing Together Project : in 5 temporary shelters (Tak and Mae Hong Son provinces) focusing on enabling vulnerable children including children with disabilities, to develop their full potential on an equal basis with other children and acquire fundamental educational and social skills, as well as support to their family members and/or caregivers

ตำแหน่ง Consultant for conducting Inclusive Vulnerabilities and Capacity Assessment (VCA) at communities level : Duration 4 Weeks :Start , Date:Sept 25th, 2017, Application deadline :August 25th, 2017. Contact : gtrecruitment@thailand-hi.org

Benefits, HI Thailand Site, Local contract

1. Based of work Mae Sot, Thailand. Working area is  all camps, provinces along Thai-Myanmar Boader.

2. Contract type / period of contract FDC (fixed Duration Contract, Local contract)

3. Probation Period Three  months. 

4. Category-level-step: Basic Salary before tax Salary Scale HI Thailand site 2016.

5. Social security Fund (employer part)of the basic salary(from starting date)5% of salary per month   (Max. 750Baht per month)

6. Seniority of each year 2% of salary per year after one year of contract and within the limit of 10  years

7. Phone card per month 100Baht per month 

8. Bonus  (13th month salary)13th month salary on prorata of the number months (or days) work

9. Life Insurance with Prudential company, For staff only. 

10. Health Insurance with BUPA company,  For staff and family (spouse, children ages ,15 days-18 years)

11. Annual Leave per year15 days  (Prorata calculation) : 

12. Mathernity leave90 days ( HI Pay salary 45 days, SSF Pays 45 days )

13. Parternity leave 5 working days 

14. Special leave per year(wedding, death)4 days based on 1 event/year

15. Public holidays per year 15 days as per HI annoucment

16. Per diem for mission per day passed over night 250 Baht outside Mae Sot and 700 bath in Bangkok  per overnight stay,

17. Any other benefits are linked to the HI Internal rules/Term & condition of engagement, HI policy In accordance with HI Internal rules/ Term & condition of engagement, HI policy

18. Work permit  & Visa process and expenses.Training cost if need


HI is seeking a qualified and professional consultant in conducting Inclusive Vulnerability and Capacity Assessments and will conduct the Inclusive VCA in the project locations. The short-term consultancy is for a period of 4 weeks, start from September 25, 2017 and will include inception report, desk review work, prepare the tools, methodologies and process of the assessment, orientation of field staff on DRR and data collection, undertake the field work, data collection, data analysis, and final report writing with the support of the GT Thailand team, HI DRR Advisor and Regional Technical Coordinator. HI encourages consultancy firms, groups or individual that can assign consultant(s) specialized in inclusive VCA focused on disability, vulnerable groups, minority, elders, children etc. 

Objective of VCA

The main objective of the proposed study is to identify the potential hazards (natural, man-made) in the project sites, identify the risks and elements at risk, explore the capacity of the community, existing DDR structures, their level of inclusiveness and also highlight the vulnerability of common people particularly disable, women, elder, children.  The end result of the VCA is expected to help stakeholders to identify a set of structural and non-structural steps that the HI and partners can take to mitigate the risk caused by various hazards or if those structures already exist to make them more inclusive.

The Inclusive VCA will be based on the following main components;

a)      Multi Hazard Mapping and Analysis

b)      Vulnerability Assessment of the community

c)       Risk Analysis

d)      Capacity Assessment of the community

e)      Inclusiveness assessment of the existing structures.

f)        Recommendations for different stakeholders (HI, Government, Community, etc)

Main Tasks

a)      The consult will work in combination with DRR advisor HI, Regional Technical Coordinator, GT Thailand team, and Regional Project Coordinator to finalize the design and inception report

b)      Share the Inception report within the period of one week after signing the MoU/Contract

c)       The consultant will prepare the tools for the study

d)      The consultant will undertake the process of data collection, data processing, analyzing, reporting, technical briefing and present to relevant stakeholders

e)      The consultant will share the first draft as per set schedule

f)       The consultant will present the findings with recommendation in stakeholder’s first quarter meeting  

g)      The consultant will share the final report including recommendations and suggestions

Offer Expected

a)      CV including two references

b)      Cover Letter (mentioned the previous assignment)

c)       Brief outline of proposed process and methodology

d)      Technical offer, including an action plan and Financial Offer


a)      Inception Report within one week after signing the contract

b)      Draft VCA report

c)       Final VCA Report

d)      Presentation material

e)      Data collected in hard and soft copies

f)       Photographs, primary notes, etc

สถานที่ปฏิบัติงาน Based in Mae Sot Frequency travelling to camps. จังหวัด
อัตรา 1 เงินเดือน

Skills and Qualifications

a)      Master graduate degree in DRR, development studies, social studies or related fields, preferably including gender and disability studies, with demonstrated professional practice in capacity assessment analysis during the last five years

b)      Five years of hands on experience in conducting VCA

c)       Strong knowledge of Disaster Risk Management

d)      Must be experienced in developing and implementing gender and disable sensitive research methodologies

e)      Good knowledge and experience in survey design, implementation of surveys and statistical data analysis is required

f)       Experience in the use of participatory appraisal techniques in data collection

g)      Previous work experience in displacement settings is an asset

h)      Excellent analytical, research, writing and communication skills

i)        Proven track-record working with government departments and civil society

j)        Strong capacity and vulnerable assessment analysis skills particularly in the contest of disables and most vulnerable groups

k)        Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate and work well with diverse people

Handicap International is an equal opportunity employer.

People with Disabilities, women and people living with HIV are strongly encouraged to apply.

The successful applicant will be expecting to comply with Handicap International’s

Child Protection Policy.

To apply please send all application documents to gtrecruitment@thailand-hi.org with « VCA consultant » as the subject of your email.


By E-Mail

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